Notice of SBA’s 85th Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the upcoming 85th Annual General Meeting of the members of Singapore Badminton Association will be held by way of electronic means on 12th June at 10:00 am. 

In light of the COVID-19 situation and pursuant to the relevant order under the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act 202, the following arrangements will be adopted for the Annual General Meeting:

  •  A member will not be able to attend the Annual General Meeting in person. A member may only attend the Annual General Meeting by observing and listening to the proceedings of the meeting by electronic means.
  • A member may only vote by appointing the chairman of the meeting as the member’s proxy to vote at the meeting by depositing with the Singapore Badminton Association an instrument of appointment (also known as “the proxy form”) by electronic mail to Mr. Lawrence Leow Chin Hin, Chairperson of the AGM; or hand-delivered in a sealed envelope to Sim Bee Lui, Senior Manager, FCS of SBA. In appointing the chairman of the meeting as a proxy, a member must give specific instructions with regards to voting, or abstentions from voting, in the form of proxy, failing which the appointment may be treated as invalid.
  • Each Member may appoint in writing One Delegate to attend the Annual General Meeting by Electronic Means.